Never allow your Illegible Handwriting to write your academic score.

Handwriting Facts

  • An individual’s overall personality can be accessed via his handwriting. In case a person bears difficulty in writing with his hands then he has a problem in expressing oneself.
  • People with the slow speed of writing suffer issues with spellings, coordination in mind and motor, the formation of words, recognition of upper and lower case letters and creation of letters.
  • After the accurate establishment of coordination between mind and motor, a student’s mind gets the freedom to act on his ideas more creatively by automated actions.
  • At the beginning of the child’s education, boys face major issues related to handwriting than girls.
  • The handwriting of a student and his speed constitutes the major contributing factors towards his achievements.
  • Learning has a major role in fluent handwriting. In the process of teaching, a child is taught to think and write which means we put efforts to make them expressive. The regularity of the thought process gets disturbed if the student is not able to form words and sentences. This clearly indicates that children with inefficiency in writing are prone to become lethargic, slow and messy.
  • The skill of handwriting means writing via the brain. The traits of one’s personality can be judged through his writing skills. The aspects you need to notice are the way of writing, slants, margin formations, space etc. These attributes are different in person to person and hence tells differentiation in each person’s personality.

Fun Facts

  • Illegible handwriting of the doctor affects at least one in ten patients worldwide. The study made in the University of Minnesota School of Public Health shows that 60% of errors take place while medicating patients in hospitals due to unreadable handwriting of doctors.
  • Unreadable handwriting became the cause of a plane crash in December of 1992. It happened as scribbled notes of co-pilot was wrongly read and thus perceived. The pilot acted on the information which resulted in the death of many people due to crash. In a similar case, the engineer wasn’t able to read the instructions properly that further resulted in NASA failure.
  • The literacy researcher of San Diago, Patrick Groff asserted that students face difficulty in reading and understanding lessons via blackboard due to their teacher’s bad handwriting. Even this ratio is 1 out of 3 that develops difficulty for students.
  • The Havoc of Holiday Handwriting: 5,000,000 letters and cards for Christmas having unreadable addresses have been destroyed by the postal system of UK.

Issues related to handwriting become a major factor in losing a lot of money in the US.

  • Non-existing members were called by different people.
  • The delivery of packages goes on either wrong address or at wrong time. Even sometimes wrong items are also sent.

The Story of Name Changing: An actress name got changed by a handwriting mistake.

Once, in an interview with actress Sarah Jessica Parker, the journalist Abigail Pogrebin found out that her original surname was something else. The actress told that “some events of bureaucratic blunders led her family’s surname parker. According to Pogrebin, the actress said, her paternal great grandfather had a surname which was pronounced as “Bar Kahn”. Although on their arrival, the immigration officer misunderstood it as Parken and while writing their surname, he changed “n” to ‘r’. This led her surname as “parker”.

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